Some first notes from the Moblogging Conference
The left side of the audience with from left to right Scott S. Fisher, Mizuko Ito, Pete and Joi Ito in the first row
My presentation (best viewed with Mozilla Firebird) at the First International Moblogging Conference went fairly well, even though I encountered some connectivity problems. That’s why I finally had to adlib about 90% of my presentation and more problematic I also couldn’t show our KAYWA Blog Prototype.
The Site will soon be online and betatesters will get a hand on the software in the next three weeks, so I guess humanity can live with this short delay.
Nonetheless I have to thank the whole Kaywa crew for that genuine effort they put into this presentation. I am proud of you guys and gals.
For interested Tokyoites
Contact me personnally via email ( if you are interested to see the prototype as long as I am in Tokyo. I’ll leave on July 9 early in the morning.
Btw: Pictures from the other side of the fence:
Boris picture from the right side of the audience
Pete comments
Gen Kanai’s notes
Sync a World
Gen Kanai’s Weblog