Category: Moblog How-To

Eventblogging via MMS (SonyEricsson T68i) 0

Eventblogging via MMS (SonyEricsson T68i)

Moblog the KAYWA Eventblog Das Mobiltelefon muss so konfiguriert sein, dass man damit MMS versenden kann.# Foto erstellen: CommuniCam anstecken “Fotografieren” wählen, dann mit Joystick Bild erstellen “Akzeptieren?” wählen Foto verschicken: “Senden” … als...

Eventblogging via MMS (Sony Ericsson P800) 1

Eventblogging via MMS (Sony Ericsson P800)

Moblog the KAYWA Eventblog Das Mobiltelefon muss so voreingerichtet sein, dass man damit MMS versenden kann.# Foto Foto machen Foto auswählen Bilder => Senden als Senden als: MMS OK E-mail Adresse und Betreff “Person@”...

Email Moblogging with a NOKIA 3650 1

Email Moblogging with a NOKIA 3650

First you need a GPRS enabled phone.# Picture Take a picture Options => Send => Via e-mail Email Address/Subject To:* Subject: Title of your photo Password/Category or Gallery Add the password on the...

MMS/GPRS Configuration in Switzerland 18

MMS/GPRS Configuration in Switzerland

Deutsche Version (German Version). If you want to moblog, respectively to send pictures to your blog with your mobile phone, your mobile has to be configured for Multimedia Messages (MMS) and/or Email (via GPRS)....

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