DokoDare Mobile : Here comes the new version
Scan this QR Code to go to with your mobile phone. Here are some screenshots what you should expect after the scan: More to come soon… How to Create a New Place on...
Scan this QR Code to go to with your mobile phone. Here are some screenshots what you should expect after the scan: More to come soon… How to Create a New Place on...
Altstadt Zug innovates with QR Codes. All shops in the booklet have now a QR Code, so that one can read more about them and store the address etc. More information in german can...
If you happen to see this ad, you have been on an unendorsed DokoDare Place, like this one. Now what can you do with DokoDare, you may ask? What is DokoDare? 1) A Mobile...
1.) Tell people to set up a Kaywa ID* in advance either by going to or by sending an SMS to 202 with NEWID username* (Swisscom and Sunrise, CHF 0.20).username* = the username...
If you happen to go to LIFT conference tomorrow, scan the QR Code on the DokoDare sticker to have everything important concerning CICG with you. DokoDare is meant to be used mainly with your...