In my presentation at the First International Moblogging Conference I spoke about Moblogs for Business’. At the end of my presentation, Molly asked me, if moblogging isn’t too complex and complicated for the normal user. I replied that compared to knowing the in and outs of a digital camera, photoshop, frontpage/dreamweaver or any other html editor as well as ftp, taking and sending pictures via a mobile phone on the net is a “kinderspiel”.
Concerning my talk, this article is interesting indeed: Seeing Is Believing:
“I gave my guys 15 minutes of training, sent them out on the road for a three-week trip and had no problems,” says Sevcik, 34. The greatest drawback right now (other than perennial complaints about small screens) is the fairly low quality of the images. In Japan, where these devices are already extremely popular, there has been a race to release a phone capable of producing images of 1-megapixel quality. In the meantime, U.S. entrepreneurs in industries such as architecture, construction or insurance will be the first to find business uses for camera-phones. In particular, the ability to send pictures directly to e-mail is a handy feature.
Via Emily