Kaywa QR Code Blog

Shui Tang – Work in Progress

Shui Tang Einladungskarte für den 29. August 2009

We published a german post about our work on Shui Tang and more recently an english post on mobile.kaywa.com.

Why do we like the work regarding Shui Tang?
Because it simply is a great client – it’s not often that you can work for one of the rare tea masters in Oolong tea.

Secondly we can show where QR Codes benefits a business. And even if only the business cards with QR Codes are out there in real, the feedback within a week was already asthonishing.
The QR Code has inspired the people from #limitedstock near #shuitang as well as Stephan from #coffeepoint in Zug.
And today we even had a call from a person at #daimlergbmpw who has seen our work on Shui Tang .

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