Some Kaywa QR Code News
A lot happened in the last two months. Here are just some of them and there are more upcoming.
LK Scarf in the New York Times Magazine, more here
- Welt Kompakt daily with QR Codes since November 2007. Big big thank you to Mr. Golecki and Mr. Schmiechen
-’s Mobile Bestenlisten with QR Codes (in the current Chip magazine you can also find an article about it)
- Plakat und Media Kongress in Düsseldorf
- QR Code Encoder in O’Reilly Book: Making Things Talk
- Swiss Television goes QR Code (see here as well)
- Umbro’s QR Code Football Shirt
- Music and QR Codes: Inish
- Staatstheater Darmstadt with QR Codes
- KonsumTV with QR Code
Mini Campaign with QR Code, see more here