The worldwide camera phone market
165 million camera phones in 2006
Image from a spring 2003 analyst briefing by Tony Thornley, president and chief operating officer at Qualcomm
As Alan Reiter points out, there are other forecasts which are a bit less optimistic. Anyway, even 37 million, instead of 60 million in 2003 are quite a lot. He ends this post with the japanese example which is mind… blowing: “But Japan blows away all the other countries with its 20 million camera phone users and the selection of handsets, including 1.3 megapixel devices.”
Via John Hiler’s “Blogosphere: the emerging Media Ecosystem”
See also, somewhat unrelated:
Nob’s Moblog with location maps. Joi was the first to show me that new feature for moblogging.
Via Schee