Kaywa QR Code Blog

More on Moblogging Conference

Justin’s Rehearsing the Future: First International Moblogging Conference Report:

But citizens instantly sharing photos is today’s “Ahah” moment for personal digital publishing, guaranteed to attract billions of amateur authors. Kaywa Ltd. is developing a series of moblogging tools for users and businesses; co-founder Roger Fischer’s explained his sense that mobile phone photos will engender enormous excitement. Recently, Fischer has observed scores of mobile phone photo hosting sites popping up all over Europe. Many of these sites didn’t offer the power of weblogs though – they weren’t linked into the web with comments, categories, navigation between entries, trackbacks; tools that internet-based webloggers are coming to take for granted.

See also:
ZDNet Japan
SAKURAI Michiharu’s report
Mike Popovic’s IMC report
Koh Aoki’s Pics

and last but not least

Nobuhiro Seki’s new ideas about moblogging.
The first two are already doable with our Moblog:

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