Category: Development

Server maintenance 0

Server maintenance

We will be working on our servers later this afternoon. Users might experienced some problems to access their admin interface but blogs will always be reachable. We apologize for any inconvenience… UPDATE: Everything went...

Blogging with Writely 4

Blogging with Writely

How to configure Writely to post from Writely to your blog (Click on image) As the MetaWeblog API is available on all KAYWA Blogs you can now blog with other clients than your webbrowser...

Server maintenance 0

Server maintenance

Update: It took some two minutes. Now everything should run smoothly again. If you encounter nevertheless any problems, don’t hesitate to write us at We said we are working hard on improving our...

More new features 0

More new features

Additional features of yesterday’s release are: Better multi-language support. You can now run several languages side-by-side. Compare for example with Please contact us if you want this functionality for your weblog. GeoURL...

Server maintenance this evening 0

Server maintenance this evening

We will do some server maintenance today, July 22 after 9 pm. This changes are necessary to improve the performance of the KAYWA system. The site should be available the whole time, but a...

Some Features of the New Release 0

Some Features of the New Release

The new Release includes: Comment RSS: Every blog has now a RSS for comments. You find it at: (Example: New language version: Serbian (sr) Go to Settings > Blog > Choose Language...

New Release Next Thursday 0

New Release Next Thursday

We will release release 1.5 next week on Thursday morning between 6 and 8 in the morning. If you encounter any problems, please report them immediately to

New Small Business Weblog 0

New Small Business Weblog

Here is the first example of our new Small Business Weblog: 3F AG. Some cool Features: Static pages with 2 navigation levels Blog filed under «Aktuell» (News) Blog has no comments, but a direct...

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